Saturday, 1 February 2014

Moving Channels

Hi Hi Hi folks.

Although the Top Geek Blogger Site will continue to be in one for or another,  our main blog site Top Geak with bigger input from The Rev and lots of exciting things to come can now be found at

see you over there for the party!

What do I think about Peter Capaldi's Doctor Who Costume?

Stood in front of a wind machine to fully expose his crimson flaps, this week saw the reveal of Peter Capalderdash's costume for the currently being filmed series 8 of Doctor Who.  The costume has met with more of a meh than a yeah, with a fanbase used to such fashion decisions as fez's, eighteen foot scarves and salad based accessories. 

When the actor famous for playing stiff bureaucrats and shouthy villains graces our screens later in the year, he'll be dressed in what seems to be Charlie Chaplin's tramp costume with its tight chest hugging jacket, and trousers which seem to have got the science wrong and are bigger on the outside!.

This bland awkward fitting costume combined with the pose of Hollywood Paul Daniels impersonator David Copperfield gives us more clues about the twelfth Doctor's persona than the dramatic Capaldeyes scene from Day of the Doctor.  A scene seen by many fans as the highlight of the 50th anniversary special!

*Capaldi's Flaps are a Moffs Muffs Product