Starburst Magazine - Blue Box Podcast

If you've ever seen Question Time or things like the BBC Breakfast News, you'll be used to seeing all those squirmy politicians skating around the issues that matter!  Of course this only give rise to armchair politicians, all the viewers watching at home saying "I could do better than them, they know nothing" and you laugh knowing that they are nothing compared to your world view!
Hang on though Top Geek, your not about politics and the news and MPs and all that.  No we aren't - But now, all you Doctor Who fans out there also have the opportunity to feel superior.  The Starburst Magazine Blue Box Podcast is our version of question time. 
Four self elected Doctor who spokespeople who know less about Doctor Who than you, spouting their opinion! Now you to can sit at home and declare "ha, they know nothing.  I know more than them!"  yes folks - the ideal way to make you feel superior on all things Doctor Who - The Starburst Magazine Blue box Podcast.